Frequently Asked Questions

related to Dr. Ajayi-Obe’s Office

Do I need to make an appointment to follow up on my test results?

Yes, please make a follow up appointment approximately 2 weeks after every test.

Where should I go for my tests?

Blood tests can be done at any of the 3 Lifelabs locations in the area: Point Edward, Exmouth Street or London Road. Follow the Lifelab link on the Resources page for their specific locations.

Imaging tests (x-ray/ultrasound/MRI/etc) are generally to be done at Bluewater Health hospital 89 Norman St.

How do I access care after hours or when the office is closed?

If it is an emergency - go to the nearest emergency room immediately.

If it is a non-urgent concern during office hours, make an appointment request online, call the office (519-336-6019), or go the Rapids Access to Care Centre (519-491-6188) at 481 London Road, Monday – Friday between 9am-5pm.

If it is a non-urgent concern after hours you may call the Telephone Health Advisory Service (1-866-553-7205) or go to the after hours clinic at the SMG building 494 Christina Street N, Monday - Friday between 5pm-8pm; Saturdays between 10am-1pm. Hours are subject to change.

What do I need to bring to my appointments?

  • Your valid Ontario Health Card
  • Mask/face covering
  • List of current medications; including any new medications prescribed by other Physicians
  • Method of payment (Credit Card/Debit/Cash) for parking and fees that are not covered by OHIP

Is Parking Available?

Yes, $2 per hour.

How can I become a patient?

Fill out the online application form; or register with Health Care Connect: 1-800-445-1822 or

What if I run out of my medications before my appointment?

You can request a short term refill of medications without an office visit for a fee of $15. Please call the office to inquire.

Is there a fee for filling forms?

Some MOHLTC (Ministry of Health and Long Term Care) forms can be completed at no cost to you. However, there is a fee for other forms and notes, such as (but not limited to): insurance/employment/fitness/CRA/bank/MTO/massage/ physiotherapy/orthotics/etc). A complete list can be found on the information display in the office waiting room.

Can I use my cell phone during my appointment?

You are welcome to use your wireless device in the waiting room but please switch them to silent mode or vibrate only. Please refrain from using your cell phone while in the consulting room with the Physician.

Recording or taking pictures anywhere in the clinic is strictly forbidden for the privacy of all patients and staff.